(1) The
prescribed question is to be submitted to the electors under and in accordance
with the Referendums Act 1983 on a day not earlier than
10 May 2009 or later than 13 September 2009.
(2) The
prescribed question is —
“Are you in
favour of daylight saving being introduced in Western Australia by
standard time in the State being advanced one hour from the last Sunday in
October 2009 until the last Sunday in March 2010 and in similar fashion for
each following year?”.
(3) When an elector is
voting at the referendum —
(a) if
the elector is in favour of standard time in the State being advanced one hour
from the last Sunday in October in each year until the last Sunday in the
following March, the elector is to place the word “yes” in the
space provided on the ballot paper; or
(b) if
the elector is not in favour of standard time in the State being advanced one
hour from the last Sunday in October in each year until the last Sunday in the
following March, the elector is to place the word “no” in the
space provided on the ballot paper.