(1) The Tribunal may
give directions at any time in a proceeding and do whatever is necessary for
the speedy and fair conduct of the proceeding.
(2) The
Tribunal’s power to give directions is exercisable by —
(a) a
legally qualified member; or
(b) the
presiding member if the Tribunal as constituted for a hearing does not consist
of or include a legally qualified member.
(3) The Tribunal may
give directions on its own initiative or at the request of a party.
(4) A directions
hearing conducted or presided over by a legally qualified member may be held
for the purposes of this section before any other hearing in the proceeding.
(5) The Tribunal may
give a direction requiring a party to produce a document or other material, or
provide information, to the Tribunal or another party despite any rule of law
relating to privilege (other than legal professional privilege) or the public
interest in relation to the production of documents.
(6) However if the
Tribunal considers that any document is or contains protected matter, the
Tribunal cannot direct a party to produce it to another party.