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2024 Funding Sources

* Funding by Type
* Funding by Jurisdiction
* Funding - 2023
* International Project Funding

You are here: AustLII >> About AustLII >> 2024 Funding Sources

Thanks to our existing contributors

AustLII's 2023 contributors included 133 organisations and individuals from the legal profession, 24 universities and academic institutions, 6 Government agencies, 12 organisations from business and industry, 12 Courts, Tribunals and regulators, and many other small contributors.

AustLII thanks all those organisations and individuals that provide it with funding, data and other assistance.

AustLII's contributors - an invitation to join us

AustLII is a free-access service which is not funded by usage charges or advertisements. Contributors from a wide range of organisations and individuals who have an interest in facilitating access to legal information fund AustLII. By broadening its range of contributors, AustLII aims to lighten the burden on any particular organisation or individual of funding access to legal information.

New contributors are welcome. Organisations and individuals from the legal profession, courts, tribunals and regulators, universities, business, government and others are invited to become AustLII "contributors" by making whatever funding contribution they consider is appropriate. Their contributions will be recognised on this page and by other means, unless anonymity is preferred. Enquiries should be addressed to AustLII's Development Manager, Richard Hunter, or one of AustLII's Co-Directors Professor Andrew Mowbray AM, or Professor Philip Chung AM, or you can use our [contribution form button] form.

AustLII funding sources - by value     [By organisation type]     [By jurisdiction]

A number of organisations and individuals have contributed valuable funding assistance to AustLII to continue its development. Listed below are AustLII's current funding sources and previous funding sources. There is also a breakdown of funding by organisation type and by jurisdiction available.

Funding for AustLII's international projects is not included in the table below, but may be found here.
[University of Technology Sydney] The University of Technology, Sydney (UTS), including its Faculty of Law, hosts AustLII and provides in-kind support for AustLII in premises and infrastructure, valued at well over $200,000 per year.
[Wolters Kluwer CCH Australia Limited]$72,500$67,500Wolters Kluwer CCH Australia Limited assists with the funding of AustLII's LawCite citator.
[Australian Research Data Commons]----------$66,232The Australian Research Data Commons assist with the funding of AustLII's Coronial Findings collection.
[Legal Practitioners' Liability Committee]$55,000$55,000The Legal Practitioners' Liability Committee of Victoria assists with the funding of AustLII's Victorian resources. It considers AustLII to be an invaluable risk management service for its insured solicitors and barristers.
[Australian Taxation Office]----------$50,000The Australian Taxation Office assists with the funding of the Taxation Law Library.
[Sydney University Law School]$48,450$22,000The Sydney University Law School assists with the funding of AustLII's New South Wales resources and Academic resources.
[Monash University Law School]$48,449$40,000Monash University Law School assists with the funding of AustLII's Victorian resources and Academic resources.
[La Trobe University]----------$38,760La Trobe University Faculty of Law and Management assists with the funding of AustLII's Victorian resources and Academic resources.
[UNSW Sydney Library]$31,000----------The University of New South Wales Library assists with funding AustLII's New South Wales resources.
[Allens]$30,000$15,000Allens assists with the funding of AustLII's Commonwealth resources.
[Clayton Utz Solicitors]$30,000$11,000Clayton Utz Solicitors assists with the funding of AustLII's Commonwealth resources.
[Gilbert + Tobin Lawyers]$30,000$7,500Gilbert + Tobin Lawyers assists with the funding of AustLII's New South Wales, Victorian and Western Australian resources.
[Herbert Smith Freehills]$30,000$15,000Herbert Smith Freehills assists with the funding of AustLII's Commonwealth resources.
[King & Wood Mallesons]$30,000$10,000King & Wood Mallesons assists with funding of AustLII's Commonwealth resources.
[Standards Australia Limited]$30,000$77,550Standards Australia Limited provides funding for the development of a facility to search for Australian Standards referenced in legislation and case law.
[Fair Work Commission]$27,000$25,000The Fair Work Commission assists with the funding of its decisions in AustLII's Commonwealth resources.
[Ashurst]$25,000$5,000Ashurst assists with the funding of AustLII's Commonwealth resources.
[Attorney-General's Department]$25,000$25,000The Australian Attorney-General's Department assists with maintaining the AustLII website and with funding government use of AustLII's databases.
[Council of Attorneys-General Senior Officials Group]$25,000$25,000The Council of Attorneys-General Senior Officials Group assists with funding government use of AustLII's databases.
[Law Society of New South Wales]$25,000$22,000The Law Society of New South Wales assists with the funding of AustLII's New South Wales resources.
[New South Wales Personal Injury Commission]----------$25,000The New South Wales Personal Injury Commission assist with the funding of AustLII's New South Wales resources.
[The College of Law]----------$25,000The College of Law assists with the funding of AustLII's New South Wales resources.
[University of New South Wales]$25,000$54,070The University of New South Wales (UNSW), including its Faculty of Law, jointly operates AustLII.
[National Legal Aid]$24,900$24,900The Legal Aid Commissions of all Australian jurisdictions, through National Legal Aid assist with the funding of AustLII's Commonwealth resources.
[Melbourne Law School]$20,000$31,000The Melbourne University Law School assists with the funding of AustLII's Victorian resources and Academic resources.
[Queensland University of Technology]$20,000$30,000Queensland University of Technology assists with the funding of AustLII's Queensland resources and Academic resources.
[The Australian Health Practitioners Regulation Agency]----------$18,000The Australian Health Practitioners Regulation Agency assists with the funding of AustLII's Commonwealth resources.
[Administrative Appeals Tribunal]$15,000----------The Administrative Appeals Tribunal assists with the funding of its decisions (and pre-merger MRT, RRT and SSAT decisions) in AustLII's Commonwealth resources.
[DLA Piper]$15,000$5,000DLA Piper assists with the funding of AustLII's Commonwealth resources.
[Federal Court of Australia]$15,000$15,000The Federal Court of Australia assists with funding the Federal Court's decisions, the Federal Circuit Court's decisions and the Family Court's decisions in AustLII's Commonwealth resources.
[Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal]----------$15,000The Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal assists with the funding of its decisions in AustLII's Victorian resources.
[Electoral Regulations Research Network]$11,250$28,000Electoral Regulations Research Network assists with the funding of the development of the Australian Electoral Law Library.
[Corrs Chambers Westgarth, Lawyers]----------$11,000Corrs Chambers Westgarth, Lawyers assist with the funding of AustLII's Commonwealth resources.
Francis Burt Chambers----------$11,000Francis Burt Chambers assists with funding AustLII's South Australian resources.
[Law Council of Australia]$11,000$11,000The Law Council of Australia assists with the funding of AustLII's Commonwealth resources.
WA Bar Chambers Limited$11,000----------WA Bar Chambers Limited assist with the funding of AustLII's Western Australian resources.
[Legal Services Council]----------$10,750The Legal Services Council assists with the funding of the lp Uniform Law Library (Australia).
[Australian Government Solicitor]----------$10,000The Australian Government Solicitor assists with the funding of AustLII's Commonwealth resources.
[Baker & McKenzie]$10,000----------Baker & McKenzie assists with the funding of AustLII's Victorian resources.
[Bar Association of Queensland]$10,000$10,000The Bar Association of Queensland assists with the funding of AustLII's Queensland resources.
[Bond University Faculty of Law]$10,000$10,000Bond University Faculty of Law assists with the funding of AustLII's Queensland resources and Academic resources.
[Fair Work Ombudsman]----------$10,000The Fair Work Ombudsman assists with the funding of AustLII's Commonwealth resources.
[Flinders University]----------$10,000Flinders University, including its School of Law and Library assists with the funding of AustLII's South Australian resources and Academic resources
[Macquarie University]$10,000$10,000Macquarie University assists with the funding of AustLII's New South Wales resources and Academic resources
[Minter Ellison Lawyers]$10,000$10,000Minter Ellison Lawyers assists with the funding of AustLII's Commonwealth resources.
[RMIT University]$10,000----------RMIT assist with the funding of AustLII's Victorian resources.
[Russell Kennedy Solicitors]$10,000----------Russell Kennedy Solicitors assists with the funding of AustLII's Victorian resources.
[Slater and Gordon Lawyers]$10,000----------Slater and Gordon Lawyers assist with the funding of AustLII's Commonwealth resources.
[South Australian Employment Tribunal]----------$10,000The South Australian Employment Tribunal assists with the funding of AustLII's South Australian resources.
[Sparke Helmore]$10,000----------Sparke Helmore assist with the funding of AustLII's New South Wales resources.
[Victorian Bar Inc]----------$10,000The Victorian Bar Inc assists with the funding of AustLII's Victorian resources.
[Western Sydney University School of Law]----------$10,000Western Sydney University School of Law assists with the funding of AustLII's New South Wales resources and Academic resources.
[Counsel's Chambers Limited]----------$7,500Counsel's Chambers Limited assists with funding AustLII's New South Wales resources.
[C Group]$6,500$6,000C Group assists with funding of AustLII's Queensland resources.
[Australian Academy of Law]$6,000$5,000The Australian Academy of Law assists with the funding of AustLII's resources.
[Charles Darwin University Library]$6,000$3,000Charles Darwin University Library assists with the funding of AustLII's Northern Territory resources and Academic resources.
[University of Western Australia Library]$6,000$6,000The University of Western Australia Library assists with the funding of AustLII's Western Australian resources and Academic resources.
[Victorian Mental Health Tribunal]$6,000----------The Victorian Mental Health Tribunal assists with the funding of its decisions in AustLII's Victorian resources.
[Victorian Workplace Injury Commission]----------$6,000The Victorian Workplace Injury Commission assists with the funding of AustLII's Victorian resources.
[Barry Nilsson]$5,500----------Barry Nilsson assists with the funding of AustLII's Queensland resources.
[Maurice Blackburn Lawyers]$5,500$5,500Maurice Blackburn Lawyers assists with the funding of AustLII's Commonwealth resources.
[Supreme Court of Tasmania]----------$5,500The Supreme Court of Tasmania assists with the funding of its decisions in AustLII's Tasmanian resources.
[Tasmanian Bar Inc]----------$5,500The Tasmanian Bar Inc assists with the funding of AustLII's Tasmanian resources.
[The University of New England School of Law]----------$5,500The University of New England School of Law assists with the funding of AustLII's New South Wales resources and Academic resources.
[ANU College of Law]----------$5,000The ANU College of Law assists with the funding of AustLII's Australian Capital Territory resources and Academic resources.
[Arnold Bloch Leibler]$5,000----------Arnold Bloch Leibler assists with the funding of AustLII's Commonwealth resources.
[Bennett + Co]----------$5,000Bennett + Co assists with the funding of AustLII's Western Australia resources.
Blue Mountains Law Society----------$5,000The Blue Mountains Law Society assists with funding AustLII's New South Wales resources.
[Clifford Chance]$5,000----------Clifford Chance assists with the funding of AustLII's Commonwealth resources.
[Edith Cowan University]$5,000----------Edith Cowan University assist with the funding of AustLII's Wetsern Australian resources.
[Family Law Practitioners' Association of WA (Inc)]----------$5,000Family Law Practitioners' Association of WA (Inc) assists with the funding of AustLII's Western Australian resources.
[HopgoodGanim]$5,000$5,000HopgoodGanim assist with the funding of AustLII's Queensland resources.
[Lavan]$5,000----------Lavan assist with the funding of AustLII's Commonwealth resources.
[Law Institute of Victoria]----------$5,000The Law Institute of Victoria assist with the funding of AustLII's Victorian resources.
[LawNet by Singapore Academy of Law]$5,000$5,000LawNet by Singapore Academy of Law assists with the funding of AustLII's Commonwealth resources.
[Mills Oakley]$5,000----------Mills Oakley assist with the funding of AustLII's Commonwealth resources.
[NSW Bar Association]$5,000$5,000The NSW Bar Association assists with the funding of AustLII's New South Wales resources.
[Twelfth Floor Chambers]$5,000$5,000The barristers from the 12th Floor, Wentworth Selbourne Chambers, assist with the funding of AustLII's New South Wales resources.
[University of Queensland - TC Beirne School of Law]$5,000$10,000The University of Queensland - TC Beirne School of Law assists with the funding of AustLII's Queensland resources and Academic resources.
[Ward Keller]$5,000$5,000Ward Keller assists with the funding of AustLII's Northern Territory resources.
[White & Case]$5,000----------White & Case assist with the funding of AustLII's Commonwealth resources.
[Commercial Bar Association of Victoria]$4,620$4,400The Commercial Bar Association of Victoria assists with the funding of AustLII's Victorian resources.
[Bar Chambers]$4,000$3,368Bar Chambers assists with the funding of AustLII's South Australian resources.
Jeffcott Chambers----------$4,000Jeffcott Chambers assist with the funding of AustLII's South Australian resources.
[Johnson Winter & Slattery]$4,000$4,000Johnson Winter & Slattery assists with the funding of AustLII's Commonwealth resources.
[Norman Waterhouse Lawyers]$4,000$4,000Norman Waterhouse Lawyers assist with the funding of AustLII's South Australian resources.
Peter Hanks QC$4,000$4,000Peter Hanks QC assists with funding of AustLII's Victorian resources.
[South Australian Bar Association]----------$4,000The South Australian Bar Association assists with the funding of AustLII's South Australian resources.
[CFMEU Mining and Energy Division]----------$3,000CFMEU Mining and Energy Division assists with the funding of AustLII's Commonwealth resources.
Dr Nick Seddon$3,000$3,000Dr Nick Seddon (Lawyer) assists with the funding of AustLII's Australian Capital Territory resources.
[Law Society of Tasmania]$3,000----------The Law Society of Tasmania assists with the funding of AustLII's Tasmanian resources.
[Mining and Energy Union]$3,000----------The MEU assist with the funding of AustLII's Commonwealth resources.
[Piper Alderman]$3,000----------Piper Alderman, assists with the funding of AustLII's Victorian resources.
[The University of Notre Dame School of Law]$3,000$3,000The University of Notre Dame School of Law and Library assist with the funding of AustLII's Commonwealth and Western Australian resources.
[University of Canberra - Library]$3,000$3,000The University of Canberra Library assists with the funding of AustLII's Australian Capital Territory resources and Academic resources.
[University of Southern Queensland School of Law]----------$3,000The University of Southern Queensland School of Law assists with the funding of AustLII's Queensland resources and Academic resources.
[Western Australian Bar Association (Inc)]$3,000$6,000The Western Australian Bar Association (Inc) assists with the funding of AustLII's Western Australian resources.
[Bartier Perry]$2,500$2,500Bartier Perry assists with the funding of AustLII's New South Wales resources.
Dan Crowe----------$2,500Dan Crowe assists with the funding of AustLII's A.C.T. resources.
[Forte Family Lawyers]$2,500$2,500Forte Family Lawyers assist with the funding of AustLII's Victorian resources.
[Harwood Andrews]----------$2,500Harwood Andrews assist with the funding of AustLII's Victorian resources.
BLW Partners Pty Ltd$2,200----------BLW Partners Pty Ltd assist with the funding of AustLII's New South Wales resources.
[HWL Ebsworth Lawyers]----------$2,200HWL Ebsworth Lawyers assist with the funding of AustLII's Commonwealth resources.
Matthew Hooper$2,200----------Matthew Hooper assists with the funding of AustLII's Victorian resources.
[Steadfast]$2,200----------Steadfast assist with the funding of AustLII's New South Wales resources.
Tim Game$2,200----------Tim Game assists with the funding of AustLII's New South Wales resources.
[Zurich Financial Services Australia Ltd]$2,200$2,000Zurich Financial Services Australia Ltd assists with the funding of AustLII's Commonwealth resources.
[Blackwood Family Lawyers]$2,000----------Blackwood Family Lawyers assist with the funding of AustLII's Victorian resources.
[Council of Australasian Tribunals Inc]----------$2,000The Council of Australasian Tribunals Inc assists with the funding of AustLII's Commonwealth resources.
[Industrial Deafness Australia]$2,000$2,200Industrial Deafness Australia assist with the funding of AustLII's New South Wales resources.
Judge Riethmuller$2,000----------Judge Riethmuller assists with the funding of AustLII's Victorian resources.
[Lander & Rogers]$2,000----------Lander & Rogers assist with the funding of AustLII's Commonwealth resources.
[List A Barristers Pty Ltd]$2,000----------List A Barristers Pty Ltd assists with the funding of AustLII's Victorian resources.
[Phillips Ormonde Fitzpatrick]$2,000----------Phillips Ormonde Fitzpatrick assists with the funding of AustLII's Commonwealth resources.
Second Floor Wentworth Chambers Pty Ltd----------$2,000Second Floor Wentworth Chambers Pty Ltd assists with the funding of AustLII's New South Wales resources.
[Turner Freeman Lawyers]$2,000$10,000Turner Freeman Lawyers assist with the funding of AustLII's New South Wales resources.
[University of Wollongong Library]----------$2,000University of Wollongong Library assist with the funding of AustLII's New South Wales resources and Academic resources.
Angad Dhillon$1,511----------Angad Dhillon assists with the funidng of AustLII's Queensland resources.
[ACT Bar Association]$1,500----------The ACT Bar Association assist with the funding of AustLII's Australian Capital Territory resources.
[Connolly Suthers]$1,500----------Connolly Suthers assists with the funding of AustLII's Queensland resources.
[Cooper Grace Ward Lawyers]$1,500$1,500Cooper Grace Ward Lawyers assist with the funding of AustLII's Queensland resources.
[Edmund Barton Chambers]$1,500----------Edmund Barton Chambers assist with the funding of AustLII's South Australian resources.
[Robinson Locke Litigation Lawyers]$1,500$1,500Robinson Locke Litigation Lawyers assist with the funding of AustLII's Queensland resources.
[The Family Law Book]$1,500$1,500The Family Law Book assist with the funding of AustLII's Queensland resources.
Elson Pow & Associates----------$1,200Elson Pow & Associates assist with the funding of AustLII's New South Wales resources.
Richard Refshauge----------$1,150Richard Refshauge assists with the funding of AustLII's Australian Capital Territory resources.
[Buttar Caldwell & Co Solicitors]$1,100----------Buttar Caldwell & Co Solicitors assist with the funding of AustLII's New South Wales resources.
[Castledine Gregory]$1,100$1,100Castledine Gregory assist with the funding of AustLII's Western Australian resources.
Cathy Dowsett$1,100----------Cathy Dowsett assists with the funding of AustLII's Victorian resources.
Craig Harrison----------$1,100Craig Harrison assists with the funding of AustLII's Victorian resources.
[DBH Lawyers]$1,100----------DBH Lawyers assist with the funding of AustLII's South Australian resources.
[Gordon Legal Pty Ltd]$1,100----------Gordon Legal Pty Ltd assist with the funding of AustLII's Victorian resources.
Grant Donaldson SC----------$1,100Grant Donaldson SC assists with the funding of AustLII's Western Australian resources
[Griffith University]$1,100$1,000Griffith University assists with the funding of AustLII's Queensland resources and Academic resources.
Joshua Knackstredt$1,100----------Joshua Knackstredt assists with the funding of AustLII's New South Wales resources.
[Law Society of South Australia]$1,100----------The Law Society of South Australia assist with the funding of AustLII's South Australian resources.
[Legalwise Seminars Pty Ltd]$1,100$1,100Legalwise Seminars Pty Ltd assist with the funding of AustLII's New South Wales resources.
Matthew Follett----------$1,100Matthew Follett assists with the funding of AustLII's Victorian resources.
[Mercer (Australia) Pty Ltd]----------$1,100Mercer (Australia) Pty Ltd assists with the funding of AustLII's Victorian resources.
Nick O'Neill----------$1,100Nick O'Neill assists with the funding of AustLII's Commonwealth resources.
Nick Tweedie SC----------$1,100Nick Tweedie SC assists with the funding of AustLII's Victorian resources.
[Online Induction]$1,100----------Online Induction assist with the funding of AustLII's Western Australian resources.
[Page Seager Lawyers]$1,100$1,100Page Seager Lawyers assists with the funding of AustLII's Tasmanian resources.
Patricia Byrnes$1,100----------Patricia Byrnes assists with the funding of AustLII's Victorian resources.
Peter Bobbin$1,100$1,000Peter Bobbin assists with the funding of AustLII's New South Wales resources.
Rachel Doyle$1,100$1,000Rachel Doyle assists with the funding of AustLII's Victorian resources.
Richard Lancaster SC$1,100$1,100Richard Lancaster SC assists with the funding of AustLII's New South Wales resources.
Sinisgalli Foster Legal$1,100$1,100Sinisgalli Foster Legal assists with the funding of AustLII's Victorian resources.
Stonegate Legal Pty Ltd----------$1,100Stonegate Legal Pty Ltd assists with the funding of AustLII's Queensland resources.
[Turks Legal]$1,100----------Turks Legal assist with the funding of AustLII's New South Wales resources.
Jonathan Brett----------$1,050Jonathan Brett assists with the funding of AustLII's VIctorian resources.
Alec Leopold SC$1,000----------Alec Leopold SC assists with the funding of AustLII's New South Wales resources.
Alistair Pound$1,000----------Alistair Pound assists with the funding of AustLII's Victorian resources.
Allison Benson$1,000$1,000Allison benson assists with the funding of AustLII's New South Wales resources.
[Astor Legal]----------$1,000Astor Legal assist with the funding of AustLII's New South Wales resources.
[Australian Institute of Administrative Law]----------$1,000Australian Institute of Administrative Law assists with the funding of AustLII's Australian Capital Territory resources.
Blumers Lawyers----------$1,000Blumers Lawyers assist with the funding of AustLII's A.C.T. resources.
Cameron Moore SC----------$1,000Cameron Moore SC assists with the funding of AustLII's New South Wales resources.
David Maddox----------$1,000David Maddox assists with the funding of AustLII's New South Wales resources.
[Doogue + George Defence Lawyers]$1,000$1,000Doogue + George Defence Lawyers assist with the funding of AustLII's Victorian resources.
Ian Robertson SC$1,000----------Ian Robertson SC assists with the funding of AustLII's South Australian resources.
John Sheahan SC----------$1,000John Sheahan SC assists with the funding of AustLII's New South Wales resources.
John Southalan$1,000$2,000John Southalan assists with the funding of AustLII's Western Australian resources.
[Makinson & d'Apice Lawyers]$1,000$1,000Makinson & d'Apice Lawyers assists with the funding of AustLII's New South Wales resources.
Marque Lawyers$1,000----------Marque Lawyers ssist with the funding of AustLII's New South Wales resources.
[McNally Jones Staff Lawyers]----------$1,000W G McNally Jones Staff Lawyers assist with the funding of AustLII's Western Australian resources.
Newcastle Chambers Pty Ltd----------$1,000Newcastle Chambers Pty Ltd assists with the funding of AustLII's New South Wales resources.
[Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner]----------$1,000The Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner assists with the funding of AustLII's Victorian resources.
Peter White----------$1,000Peter White assists with the funding of AustLII's New South Wales resources.
Robert Dick$1,000----------Robert Dick assists with the funding of AustLII's New South Wales resources.
Rod Hooper----------$1,000Rod Hooper assists with the funding of AustLII's Western Australian resources.
Russell Cocks$1,000$1,100Russell Cocks assist with the funding of AustLII's Victorian resources.
Stephen Rebikoff$1,000$1,000Stephen Rebikoff assists with the funding of AustLII's Victorian resources.
Terrence Lynch----------$1,000Terence Lynch assists with the funding of AustLII's New South Wales resources.
Terry Murphy KC----------$1,000Terry Murphy QC assists with treh funding of AustLII's Vicroian resources.
[The University of Newcastle School of Law]----------$1,000The University of Newcastle School of Law assists with the funding of AustLII's New South Wales resources and Academic resources.
[Turnbull Hill Lawyers]$1,000----------Turnbull Hill Lawyers assist with the funing of AustLII's New South Wales resources.
[University of South Australia School of Law]----------$1,000The School of Law at the University of South Australia assists with the funding of AustLII's South Australian resources and Academic resources.
[Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission]----------$1,000The Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission assist with the funding of the development of Victorian Discrimination Law resources on AustLII Communities.
[Waratah Chambers]$1,000$1,000Waratah Chambers assists with the funding of AustLII's New South Wales resources.
Anonymous Contributors$13,220$25,770 2024 anonymous contributors (43) assist with the funding of AustLII's Commonwealth resources.
NSW Legal Profession contributors under $1,000$8,780$13,510 2024 Contributors: Dakin Law ($550); Hamer & Hamer ($550); Sydney Criminal Lawyers ($550); Bannermans Lawyers ($500); Central West Law Society ($500); Daniels Bengtsson Pty Limited ($500); James Sheller ($500); Joseph Campbell ($500); Kate Eastman SC ($500); Lyria Bennett Moses ($500); Paul Batley ($500); Peter Gray ($500); Eugene Wasilenia ($330); Adrian Batterby (Lawyer) ($250); David Fairlie ($250); Ingmar Taylor SC ($250); MathasLaw ($250); John Baird ($200); Megan Cusack ($200); CMM Quay Legal Group ($150); G & D Lawyers ($110); Robert Napoli & Co ($110); ANZIA Immigration lawyers ($100); Robert Quickenden ($100); Veracity Legal ($100); Maccallum Lawyers ($75); JCDecaux Australia Trading Pty Ltd ($55); Central Lawyers Pty Ltd ($50); Peter Pearsall ($50); assist with the funding of AustLII's New South Wales resources.
Victorian Legal Profession contributors under $1,000$5,035$11,440 2024 Contributors: Kate Ottrey ($550); Mark Hosking ($550); Simon Marks ($550); Cohen Jimenez ($500); Rohan Millar ($500); Arie Freiberg ($250); Debra Coombs ($250); Paul Santamaria ($250); R Tyson Wodak ($250); Tom Clarke ($250); David Levin K C ($200); Hector Douglas HR Legal ($200); Julia Wang ($200); Michael Rush ($110); Lydia Kinda ($100); Simon Gannon ($100); Mark Wilson ($80); Daan Spijer ($50); Rogers & Gaylard Lawyers ($50); The Tax Objection ($35); John Giacchi ($10); assist with the funding of AustLII's Victorian resources.
Business and Industry contributors under $1,000$112$170 2024 Contributors: Ausea Consulting Pty Ltd ($100); Forensis Accounting ($10); John Gregory ($2); assist with the funding of AustLII's Commonwealth resources.
Courts, Tribunals & Regulators contributors under $1,000-------------------- 2024 Contributors: assist with the funding of AustLII's Commonwealth resources.
Education contributors under $1,000-------------------- 2024 Contributors: assist with the funding of AustLII's Commonwealth resources.
Government contributors under $1,000----------$1,240 2024 Contributors: assist with the funding of AustLII's Commonwealth resources.
Other contributors under $1,000$3,040$5,382 2024 Contributors: Dush Shan ($550); Phil Schubert ($500); Alan Cameron ($250); Elizabeth Evatt ($250); Matthew Thomas ($250); Ewart Allen ($200); Patrick Clearwater ($200); Sophie York ($200); Elizabeth Handsley ($100); Karen Feng ($100); Kiran Ramrakha ($100); Paul Sugden ($100); JMV ($50); Richard Hunter ($50); Simon Neldner ($50); Greg Chalker ($20); Rebecca Cocker ($20); Shane Hanson ($20); Dung Lam ($15); Helen Bellette ($10); Wayne Brighton ($5); assist with the funding of AustLII's Commonwealth resources.
Western Australian Legal Profession contributors under $1,000$1,175$3,020 2024 Contributors: Anchor Legal ($500); Peter Brindal ($400); Justin Edwards ($100); Andrew Monisse ($75); Marina Georgiou ($50); Temperance Legal ($50); assist with the funding of AustLII's Western Australian resources.
Queensland Legal Profession contributors under $1,000$1,250$3,900 2024 Contributors: South Geldard Laywers ($550); Merthyr Law ($300); Chris McGrath ($250); Jordan Ahlstrand ($100); Stephen Blaxland ($50); assist with the funding of AustLII's Queensland resources.
Tasmanian Legal Profession contributors under $1,000$100$250 2024 Contributors: Hugh Murray ($100); assist with the funding of AustLII's Tasmanian resources.
South Australian Legal Profession contributors under $1,000$2,000$2,970 2024 Contributors: Frederick Turner ($550); KJK Legal ($550); Stephen White ($500); Bruce Debelle ($250); Geoffrey Lindell ($100); Colthorpe Lawyers ($50); assist with the funding of AustLII's South Australian resources.
ACT Legal Profession contributors under $1,000----------$330 2024 Contributors: assist with the funding of AustLII's Australian Capital Territory resources.
NT Legal Profession contributors under $1,000----------$220 2024 Contributors: assist with the funding of AustLII's Northern Territory resources.
Norfolk Island contributors under $1,000-------------------- 2024 Contributors: assist with the funding of AustLII's Norfolk Island resources.

Previous Funding Sources

AustLII wishes to thank those sources that have provided it with significant funding in past years, but no longer provide funding:

Minor funding has also been provided by the Combined Community Legal Centres and the Australian Commercial Disputes Centre.

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